Labels:text | screenshot | document | number OCR: TABLE 3 IMPLEMENTATION FACTORS Implementation Factors ES 15 Consonsus recommendations Incremental implementation x Well-planned metrics framework X Use of existing metrics materials x Involvement of developers during implementation x Measurement process transparent to developer's x Usefulness of metrics data Feedback to developers Ensure that the data is seen to have integrity × Measurement data is used and seen to be used X Commitment from project managers secured Use automated data collection tools Constantly improving the measurement program x Internal metrics champions used to manage the program X Lise of external metrics gurus Provision of training for practitioner Other Recommendations Implement at a level local to the developers X Implement a central metrics function Metrics responsibility devolved to the development teams x Incremental determination of the metrics set Collecting data that is casy to collect x Keye / shows that the recommendation is followed; X shows that it is not